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RE: [microsound] compassion for hard work

Why the haughty protestations of "know-nothingness"?
I don't believe that discussions of aesthetics/politics/philosophy/Theory
need be threatening.  This one certainly isn't.  And it's not as though it
were at a total remove from the music we discuss here; one may choose to
listen through a political (or theoretical) framework, or, as has been
suggested, one may approach from the strictly aesthetic point of view; but
making that choice *is* an informed decision.  What you base it on is up to
you - Adorno or Britney Spears, or maybe both.  It's not about the names you
drop (and I think this list, on the whole, is less guilty of name-dropping
than many parties who involve themselves in such discussions); it's about
how you reason.

(This sounds really snotty, and I don't mean it to be - despite what reads
to me as a rather snotty tone in the original post - )

In love with the Enlightenment boogeyman,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Junger Joerg [mailto:Joerg.Junger@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 3:35 AM
> To: 'microsound'
> Subject: AW: [microsound] compassion for hard work
> I guess I am no longer qualified for this list, as I am neither a
> philosopher nor did I study at art school. I guess I better 
> go and buy me
> some Britney Spears records, this seems to be more 
> appropriate for my level
> of education.
> Mille regards
> Joerg
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