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Re: [microsound] Linzhoax etc.
thanks to peter and ivan for some great comments...
this type of reaction seems to happen all over... perhaps not as
disgruntled as in this case.
when robin rimbaud (scanner) came here to washington dc to give a
presentation/talk at the corcorn gallery of art numerous people
expected a live performance... even though the ads/invitations did
not say LIVE anywhere... basically it was described as a presentation
in so many words...
but this did not stop people from thinking it would be a performance.
so why is it that if a musician/sound artist is to present
something... in people's minds it means LIVE ONSTAGE!! : ) ????
does the audience come for that person or the work that person
creates? and how do they assertain "their money's worth"
if i enjoy a performance.. that is my moneys worth...(but hey thats just me)
PS: back in the 60s andy warhol was having other people do his
paintings for him as well as having a stand in for speaking
engagements and still people get their feathers ruffled by this
"ourageous idea" if someone else does it. aaaaah art society... so
r i c h a r d c h a r t i e r
soundwork . visualwork . designwork .
"untitled" on 12K008 compilation [12k, usa] CD
series [line, usa] CD, sept 2000 http://www.12k.com/line
typeof [fallt, ireland] 3" CD, 2000 http://fallt.com/invalidObject/index.html
"sent" on VARIIOUS comp [intransitive, usa] 2CD, sept 2000
"herein, then" on .00. comp [fylkingen records, sweden] CD, nov 2000
"untitled60sec" on Computer Music Journal comp (CMJ) CD, 2000
"test + duration" (sound installation)
for POST-HUMAN @ Armory Battery Annex, Washington, DC sept 23, 2000
as pickcourtesyphone @ ART-O-MATIC, Washington, DC oct 5, 2000