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Re: [microsound] Re: Warszawa--Linzhoax etc.
In regard to the common concern that I see within many list-groups of
"staying on-topic," I don't understand this. Surely a lot of things have
a validity to any one topic at hand, therefore shouldn't be considered
outside the scope of a list-group discussion. Using the attached e-mail
for an example: I would think that the variety that one can find within
the realm of "microsound" music could definately be attributed partially
by a composer's cultural background. By the way, I should be having an
upcoming release on Open Circuit, as well. It will be called "Like
Ullyses" and utilizes film print sound textures. (shamless plug)
On Mon, 11 Sep 2000 17:22:47 +0200 "Jacek Staniszewski"
<jstanisz@xxxxxxxx> writes:
> >
> > So what's the music scene like in Poland?
> > Other than DiscoPolo and some cheezy arrangements of Stachura
> songs I
> > haven't heard anything. Polish folks abroad seem to have no taste
> if
> > music import is concerned....
> >
> > MiS
> I don't really know whether microsound list is the best forum to
> discuss
> topics as "the music scene in Poland"...OK, let's say I'll try to
> mention
> things which are the most immediate in my perception. Firstly, I
> would risk
> a statement that cheezy Stachura songs, and tackiness in general,
> could
> really educate and/or enlighten. DiscoPolo would be outrageous even
> without
> the recent wave of interest in stupid pop, easy listening and other
> items of
> audio idiocy. It is interesting in itself, being totally banal,
> uninteresting and even thtreatening...Anyway you're probably right
> saying
> that Polish (immigrants included) society did not learn to
> distiguish
> between value and non-value. Current free market tells every
> consumer to buy
> more pop, more folky Bregovitsch stuff, more hedonism etc. So they
> do. But
> does it render the situation with any degree of realism? It does
> little
> justice to overlook those aspects of culture which are interesting
> and maybe
> should reach a wider audience. I don't suppose anyone is interested
> in my
> spontaneous comments (yawn) so let me say few things about what you
> called
> "scene":
> **Molr Drammaz - two-piece from southern Poland... sort of abstract
> glitch
> cabaret, very unique on a larger-not
> only domestic-scale. at least 3 of their releases will be out on
> Staalplaat/Open Circuit so keep your ears open...
> **EA - dark electroacoustic washes of sound, experiments w/field
> recordings
> and overall rawness. also Open Circuit cd
> file them with lull, koner, "ambient" aube releases etc
> **Neurobot - live electronic improv for 2 computers and 1
> multitrack;
> ongoing Net project (http://neurobot.art.pl) etc.
> I'm connected to all of the above, and run the experimental cd-r
> label
> Polycephal. If you're interested in any recordings and/or
> collaboration, fee
> l free to get in touch w/me. You can also look at Polish underground
> page
> http://www.terra.pl. to learn more (it's all in Polish).
> At last, tonight there's Origami Galaktika gig in Warsaw...while in
> November
> Francisco Lopez comes to play at Audio Arts Festival in Krakow.
> We'll try to
> organize his Warsaw performance.
> best regards to all microsound participants
> sorry for straying off-topic
> >j<
> jacek staniszewski
> neurobot/polycephal/facial index
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