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Re: [microsound] Music and architecture

Nice subject! I think you should definitely read the interview with 
Fransisco Lopez in this month's Wire. He has some interesting 
views on music and environmental sounds, and the distinction 
between acousmatic music and acoustic ecology.

A couple of weeks ago we organized a small festival ourselves 
where all the performances took place in shipping-containers. 
Although not all of the artists used the specific acoustical qualities 
of the space, it proved to be a good concept. Especially the 
performance by THU20, a Dutch electroacoustic ensemble, was 
fascinating, because they used recorded sounds of the space 
during their show.

A very interesting artist working in the field of music and 
architecture is Janek Schaefer, who is an architect himself. His 
upcoming album Comae makes use of architectonic structures 
adapted to sound. The result is absolutely impressive.


> I have a comp (The Sound Inside: Music and Architecture)that
> has various people performing music within various structures, but to
> just record the environments themselves would make me a happy listener.
> 									I've been inspired by some of the work of Toshiya Tsunoda, John
> Duncan, AER (on the Touch/Ash comps), etc.  Since some of the people on
> this list have both fields as a background, it would be interesting (for
> me, at least) to hear some perspectives, ideas, etc regarding this. 

------- End of forwarded message -------
Jeroen de Boer
              music director Open Electronic Festival/Cyberslag Foundation
              Munnekeholm 10, 9711JA Groningen
              The Netherlands
              tel/fax: +31 (0)503634676/(0)503632209
              gsm: +31 (0)624814506
