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RE: [microsound] glitch musicians need to party more!

Gunnar wrote:

...IDM is such a ridiculous term. In fact when someone uses it on a
web site or in conversation I know it might be a good idea to just >move on quickly and don't look back. Who in the world came up with it >anyway? I bet it was the same type of person who came up with "glitch >music" I'm almost embarrassed to even use them in this e-mail.

yeah brother.

how many of us have attempted to describe this whole Microsound thing to uninformed friends/colleagues/girlfriends? We say Microsound/glitch: the (typical) response is a furrowed brow, then we launch into a crash course history of the electroAcoustic family tree, and ultimately we feel like we're just scratching the surface of this new *musical* phenomenon. Often it feels like genre titles are consigned to lowest-common-denominator status, *IDM* ostensibly the corniest of them all. But that's their nature, I guess: a highly reductive, catch-all phrase that works best as a header on some record store shelf.

so, like many of you m-sound subscribers, i write to think. And after writing an essay about the topic of all things *glitch*, i arrived at tons of questions (and some answers). Here's the title, plus a sample paragraph. dig.

Oops, I Did It Again:
the representation of error in contemporary *glitch* media

"A "glitch" ceases to be a glitch once it is exploited, and represented, as such. To construct a music of snips and samples birthed from "glitchy" origins (e.g. the lilt of a skipping CD, the accidental damaging--and subsequent sampling--of a filter) means that the end result of the "error process" is hopefully MORE sounds that resemble the initial error. Eventually this "error process" becomes a staged, non-erroneous process intended to arrive at sounds--maybe even an entire range of sounds--that adhere to the qualities and characteristics of the initial, primary accident."

release the hounds,

Bob  M  a  y  n  a  r  d

"...this is by no means the whole story." -Fred Jameson

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