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Re: [microsound] glitch musicians need to party more!
>>>(1) Most events in SF are presented by DJ crews, and I am not
part of one. (2) Barely any spaces are left here for any music - thanks to
gentrification and the cooperation of local authorities
>>>The real estate prices must make it next to impossible
for art galleries and coffeeshops to take chances on events that are not
going to draw well.
agreement on both points
I have always felt that the difficulty in promoting local
'eclectic/microsound' club spaces are due to
both the difficulty in drawing folks from S.F. to the east bay (with cheaper
real estate values) and the overall inability of the local press to promote
'hip' music as 'art' rather than 'subcultural' phenomena.
D.J. crews are dull at best and whether or not Common (for example) respects
women is the type of issue that just doesn't interest me.
I am currently looking into starting a club/art space with a couple of
dot-com chumps fronting the cash.....any recommendations on location and
content would be appreciated.......god soma sucks