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RE: [microsound] microvising
This is a subject I'm paying my attention to a lot lately. To me
'serious' electronic music, once it started, was part of the classical
avantgarde: searching for new sounds and structures. These
structures, at least to the ear, have quite a lot in common with
improvised structures. Therefore, for me, it's hard to differentiate
between the two when listening to, for instance, the Fenn'O'Berg
So a question to Pita: is it an improvised record? And if so, was this
an incidental thing, or do you always improvise?
An always occuring question for me is the one if the people
working in this field today are doing this with the same focus as the
pioneers in the 50's. Do you all have the urge to create something
new, or has the microsound-genre already become a genre with
it's own pioneers and followers? And is improvisation maybe a way
to distinguish yourself from fellow artists?
Questions, questions, questions. I think I have to stress though
that I totally believe in the idea a musician improvises, only because
it's his/her artistic believe (read for instance the things Evan Parker
has to say about his urge to improvise).
the NYT-article on John's website containes some interesting
points of view regarding this subject.
> Anyway - I think an improv album is an
> improv album (instruments and laptops are only devices after all, and
> glitches mainly an esthetic choice when it comes to improv ...),
Jeroen de Boer
music director Open Electronic Festival/Cyberslag Foundation
Munnekeholm 10, 9711JA Groningen
The Netherlands
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