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Re: [microsound] electronic improv recommendations

 just wondering, do you mean actual silence? or relative silence? I don't
think I've ever heard actual silence, anywhere. Do you simply put the
machine into a sound proof room and access it by remote? don't the moving
parts make a sound, albeit an infintisimal one? I'm just asking because I
would have thought that you would always get a different output because we
can't really achieve total silence. thanks for reiterating, I want to know
about this.

i think the process involves simply not connecting any cables into
the sample input of the sampler.. thus achieving a sort of digital
silence.. as the open 1/4" jack can't pick up any sound on its own..

-- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + taylor deupree/12k/line taylor@xxxxxxx http://www.12k.com

OUT SOON: - "continue" MP3/3"CD (fällt/ireland) (june00) (http://fallt.com/invalidObject/index.html) - "doClip" on "VARIIOUS" 2CD (intransitive/boston)

- september: 12k1010 komet "rausch" CD
- september: LINE_001 richard chartier "series" CD
- november: 12k1011 shuttle358 "frame" e-CD
- november: LINE_002 immedia "2 | 1"