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Re: [microsound] los apson

At 04:37 PM 9/14/00 +0200, multipara wrote:
joshua maremont was looking for the los apson record store.
just happened to find one of its 7" plastic bags in my collection, with the address:

Ah, thank you. BUT: I had the address when I looked for Los Apson, and I even managed to locate the building. The problem is that addresses in Tokyo are just codes for postmen - not street locations - and without a map ("turn right at the mugicha machine then left at the Lotteria" etc) you will often find it impossible to locate a shop. Even with a map it took me about an hour to find the excellent experimental shop Manual of Errors. There turn out to be six buildings with the name of the one housing Los Apson in Nishi-Shinjuku, numbered I was told in the order built, and the one I found after two hours of searching held only a 1970s UK hard rock shop behind a Mexican restaurant. Then again being lost in Tokyo has given me at least one album cover, so I have no complaints.

np - "Puting the Morr back in Morrissey" comp (delicious)

joshua maremont / thermal - mailto:thermal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
boxman studies label - http://www.boxmanstudies.com/