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Re: [microsound]digital silence

Please forgive me for being simple here, but I have another question(and i
started this thread? yipes!) KM, are you saying that in the case of
"studying nothingness" that the constuct is devoid of sound? that the empty
soundfile, although it seems to have a sound, actually doesn't? or that the
construct has an inherent sound, and that is what we are "studying"? thanks
for clarifying your statement, i'm really trying to grasp your idea about
the sound, or lack of.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenric McDowell" <kenric@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 1:10 PM
Subject: RE: [microsound]digital silence

> Aren't we just seeing the structure of the file here, rather than the
> material structure of reality? This is certinly the subtext of these
> experiments isn't it? If the goal of studying nothingness is the increased
> awareness of more fundamental structures it is important not to confuse
> metaphors with reality. Computer systems are constructs and as such
> their "empty" forms only reveals the nature of the construction.
> -km

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