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Fe18: Oval

Columbus, Ohio : Oval @ Firexit 18
Saturday, September 30, the Annex
digital musics..

Oval -- Skotodesk live  
 Stewart Brown -- (Beta Bodega Coalition) 
   Bill Johnston -- Philadelphia Looops  

Art Art Art site specific Art

installations by Josh Fields, David Tinapple, 
 Clint King. realtime d-video manipulation by SF 
  monolake collaborateur and playstation-debuggist 
   David Robert...with plant biofeedback, man. from CA USA. 

This will be the first Firexit show at the Annex, a new 
performance/gallery space next to Dragonfly Restaurant, 
located at at 245 King Avenue, 3/4 of a mile W of High Street.

Dragonfly will transform into a lounge during the show, 
providing food and a cash bar. Doors open at 
9:30 pm, and admission 
will be a $7 donation.  
DJs and odd things happening all night long.


Firexit, in conjunction with the Columbus College of Art and
is sponsoring a Markus Popp led discussion on the Ovalprocess

Software and generative art-making.  This discussion will take
place on Friday, September 29th at 8:30 am in CCAD's V-Hall.
free and open to public.  email willjm@muohio for more info.

Markus Popp interview transcript
and more info to come
at www.firexit.com

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