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berlin streams / 20 to 2000

ER> The Pole broadcast has video, I'm surprised to see.
ER> It's pretty nice to see Stephen do his stuff!

POLE is soon to be seen on http://www.boombox.net
again they do a ~scape night there, with gramm/farben,
burnt friedmann and barbara preisinger. you can
get the same team and more every month at the
WMF club in berlin, where the ~scape label is having
a resident night since more then a year now
http://www.wmf-club.de (incl. livestream)
there are also some recorded and official
POLE sessions at http://www.betalounge.com
the guys of contour.net, leipzig are using
the backend engine of http://orang.orang.org,
the "open radio archive network group" a
project which started back in 1996, it's a
huge repository of very rare streams. lots
of wakky electronica, sound experiments,
radio plays etc. and last but not least, if you
like such stuff, you definetly should check
out http://www.mdos.at which represents
the vienna/berlin axis according to
http://www.mego.at on the online record store
level and has an excellent selection of streams
available. if you want to read all about it,
there is http://www.de-bug.de
and if you want to listen to berlin clubs "remotly"
there's always http://www.klubradio.de