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RE: berlin streams / 20 to 2000
also to be noted:
the MUTEK site has all the streams of its June 2000 edition online
actually a few a still missing
but at the moment your could find a few Raster-Noton sets
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pit Schultz [mailto:pit@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 2:50 PM
> To: microsound
> Subject: berlin streams / 20 to 2000
> ER> The Pole broadcast has video, I'm surprised to see.
> ER> It's pretty nice to see Stephen do his stuff!
> POLE is soon to be seen on http://www.boombox.net
> again they do a ~scape night there, with gramm/farben,
> burnt friedmann and barbara preisinger. you can
> get the same team and more every month at the
> WMF club in berlin, where the ~scape label is having
> a resident night since more then a year now
> http://www.wmf-club.de (incl. livestream)
> there are also some recorded and official
> POLE sessions at http://www.betalounge.com
> the guys of contour.net, leipzig are using
> the backend engine of http://orang.orang.org,
> the "open radio archive network group" a
> project which started back in 1996, it's a
> huge repository of very rare streams. lots
> of wakky electronica, sound experiments,
> radio plays etc. and last but not least, if you
> like such stuff, you definetly should check
> out http://www.mdos.at which represents
> the vienna/berlin axis according to
> http://www.mego.at on the online record store
> level and has an excellent selection of streams
> available. if you want to read all about it,
> there is http://www.de-bug.de
> and if you want to listen to berlin clubs "remotly"
> there's always http://www.klubradio.de