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forwarded promotional verbage.....
thought this would be of interest,
available now:
Intransitive is very proud to present twenty-one new works of contemporary
electro-acoustic and electronic music by our favorite artists. Here, you
will find exclusive compositions by Intransitive artists past and future, as
well as some who we simply believe are creating unique and challenging work.
Sound by: Taylor Deupree (US), John Watermann (Austr.), Justin Bennett
(Neth.), Michael Prime (UK), Kevin Drumm (US), Toshiya Tsunoda (Japan),
Howard Stelzer and Brendan Murray (US), Roel Meelkop (Neth.), Jerome
Noetinger (France), Pimmon (Austr.), *0 (Japan), Jos Smolders (Neth.), Klas
Augustsson (Sweden), Martin Tetreault (Canada), John Hudak (US), the Brutum
Fulmen (US), Marc Behrens (Germany), Richard Chartier (US), Voice Crack
(Switz.), Brume (France), Jason Lescalleet (US). Text by: Achim Wollschied.
Numbered edition of 1000. Package design by Richard Chartier.
This fine item can be yours for a mere $16.00, post paid within the US.
Please make checks or money orders payable to ?Howard Stelzer?.
Intransitive Recordings. P.O.Box 391151, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA.
Questions? Contact: intransitive@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you,
Howard/ Intransitive.
r i c h a r d c h a r t i e r
soundwork . visualwork . designwork .
"untitled" on 12K008 compilation [12k, usa] CD
series [line, usa] CD, sept 2000 http://www.12k.com/line
typeof [fallt, ireland] 3" CD, 2000 http://fallt.com/invalidObject/index.html
"sent" on VARIIOUS comp [intransitive, usa] 2CD, sept 2000
"herein, then" on .00. comp [fylkingen records, sweden] CD, nov 2000
"untitled60sec" on Computer Music Journal comp (CMJ) CD, 2000
as pinkcourtesyphone @ ART-O-MATIC, Washington, DC oct 5, 2000