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process vs achievement

I respect the curiosity people have about the process an artist uses to
create work but this knowledge is ultimately not part of the listening
experience (unless the artist makes it a part)...it can contextualize the
listening experience but is not directly a part of the pure act of
listening...listening is a process...what is described as "knowing more
about an artists process" is really an achievement on the listeners
part...it gives the listener a crutch and distracts them from decoding the
sonic experience on an aesthetic level...the sound has to work without any
extra information...this is the downfall of most "experimental" music (in
the original use of the term)...

most people are confused by the difference between software development and
content developed with software tools: the two processes are
different...solving aesthetic problems is not quite as linear as solving
algorithmic problems...sometimes the two processes cross, blur and support
one another but when they do the synergism creates a different discipline
IMNSHO I think the casual listener should know as little as possible about
the inner workings of a composers process so they can understand the
musical language of the composer...

sorry for rambling...just some early morning pre-caffeinated thoughts...