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Re: [microsound] process vs achievement

Alex alex@xxxxxxxx wrote (in part) :
>If you can't see something being performed, why not just listen to a
Well, part of this issue are compositions of more than two channels
specially conceived/designed for spatial execution, like by means of a
kit of different-sized loudspeakers meticulously (spatially) placed on
some stage (e.g., the Acousmonium). En passant of the latter, you know
that the term "acousmatic" (derived from the Pythagorean oral teaching
tradition), as applied by the Groupe de Recherches Musicales in Paris
(http://www.ina.fr/INA/GRM/index.fr.html), for instance, does refer to a
"blind" listening situation (i.e., with the actual causal source being
out of sight, originally, to prevent unnecessary visual distraction).
That is, firstly, listening as receiving music-via-loudspeaker(s) (where
cloth does replace the original curtain), including transmissions
through radio or from disque (and in the following, via Internet
streaming), and secondly, focused listening in analyzing music (as in
creation/analysis). -- Might I be so bold to add a French quotation
accents) in this place (by Jerome Peignot, "Musique animee", Paris
Inter, October 1955) :
"Quel mot designerait cette distance qui separe les sons que nous venons
d'entendre de leur origine. Au concert le probleme est resolu :
violonistes attendris sur leur chanterelle, trombones rougoyants, chefs
planants tels de grands oiseaux noirs. Par contre le respectueux
discophile fait penser a ces disciples de Pythagore qui, pendant cinq
annees, ecoutaient leur maitre cache derriere un rideau en observant le
silence le plus rigoureux. On les appelait 'acousmaticiens'. Bruit
acousmatique se dit d'un bruit que l'on entend sans en deceler les
causes. La voila, la definition meme de l'objet sonore, cet element de
base de la musique concrete, musique la plus generale qui soit."
-- Hope to being not too redundant (or too teaching), whereas I do agree
with Gunnar Garness that while it _can_ be fine, some
music/performance/s surely don't need visual prostheses (that truly
might often have also some (cost-)"compensating" effect).

Alexandra Hettergott
1, avenue des Gobelins
   /boîte 23
F-75005 Paris/France
Tél/fax:   +33-(0)1-43 31 41 27
Mél:        a.hettergott@xxxxxxxxxx
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