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uusitalo, and then Pub: Summer

Thank you, .a

I am also quite impressed by this uusitalo disc by vladislav delay.

And for more of the same, perhaps even more _beautiful_, check out _Pub:
Summer_ on Vertical Form.
It's got an original track by someone unnamed, with two remixes each by
Vladislav Delay and Arovane.
Plus a "remake" by someone named Nick Rapaccioli.
This one is giving me the same thrill you're getting from uusitalo.
I find it hard to believe it's so totally lovely from beginning to end.


| this has gotta be done, I can't really contain myself right now.
| I have had uusitalo's vapaa muurari live for about 2 weeks, and it
| me how much I love it. it has been looping on my stereo over and over and
| well there is no end to it greatness. I hear it on our local university
| radio station and still I am all ears. when track 6 melts into track 7's
| beat, I am blown away every time.
| it is without a doubt one of my favorite discs of the year. so if you
| haven't heard it already I'd advise you to find it, buy it.
| sorry,
| .a