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Re: [microsound] ???

> my point was that the
> right wing has "officially" taken over in north america & the western
> world in general, & that it doesn't look good in general for culture
> outside of the "ugly radio sound".  (unless the right wing mellows down
> to a point where they are _completely indistinguishable_ from the
> previous administration, in which case things might stay the same ~ not
> too glorious a prospect either.)

hi from an European point of view, and based on the actual situation in france,
it seems to me that whether politicians are labelling themselves "left" or
"right" their actions are dictated by their own interest. And that tends to be
more and more capitalistic... So things change and go worse whoever of them is
taking over...

> the emotion is in the listener, not the composer.

thanks david for writing that
and our moods_feelings being different everyday our approach to music varies
merry x-mas to you all / philippe

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