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Re: [microsound] Future of Microsound: Disposable?
hi joseph,
thanks for that first message
> does anyone get the sense that much of what is called 'microsound' music
> is disposable? a track is interesting to hear once, to experience the
> sounds, frequencies, god forbid, maybe emotions once, but then you don't
> desire really to hear it again. sometimes because the frequencies disturb
> your ears or sometimes just because it does not move you enough to pop it
> into the cd player again.
sorry but my experience is different and I listen to the records, songs,
several times, all day long... The way they are done isn't what interests me
most, surely because I'm not a musician, and what I like are the rythms,
emotions, non-rythms/no emotion - call it whatever you want - that they
convey. There is a lot of "microsound" music which i'm happy to listen to
several times.
> that perhaps there is just too much of it. (i know this line of
> argumentation is not new, but bear with me)
well, i'd rather say too much of not so good
> i get the sense that the whole package of a cd or record is just as or
> maybe even more important than what it contains.
sorry, i had already written that packaging is very important for me, but it
is the music that is prioritary.
> that if artist x, whose cd is well received with the microsound community,
> were on a blank tape or just sitting out there in cyberspace on some
> server with no graphics attached to the file and/or no name behind it, it
> would not even be noticed.
well, i download the MP3 on the fals.ch site and enjoy them a lot, despite
there is no packaging...
> and if you can sympathize so far with this point of view, you can see why
> the music may seem disposable, created quickly as a piece of art to be
> experienced once or twice, consumed, then quickly disposed of, which in
> this case translates as
> listening to once or twice, but still having the nice looking and obscure
> (obscurity = value here) commodity on the shelf.
to me it could be "disposable" because i always need to hear new music every
day so obviously some of my records do not get the attention they deserve...
Although I play them more than a couple of times but i'm in a lucky position
where i work at home and can enjoy listening to music all day long.
> i was curious if anyone else on this list felt this way at times or had
> analyzed the socio-historical-economic background of microsound, laptop,
> glitch music. its hard to analyze because we are 'in' it. im sure what im
> saying is not new or novel, but this is my first post to the list and i
> submit humbly and expect some major disagreements from many of you.
thanks for your message and it is nice to discuss, no disagreement.
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