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Re: [microsound] microsound future
> this is definitely true (and i thank you for your orders,
> philippe!).. orders directly from the label generate twice as much
> profit and make it a lot easier to recoup costs spent producing the
> releases.. unfortunately it is a lot easier usually to order a bunch
> of cds at once from your favorite store.. instead of one at at time
> from each of your favorite labels.. but every order helps.
I didnt mean to be a downer about this. Certainly ordering directly is a
good thing to do, but there are few labels who can depend on direct orders
for much revenue. All I was saying was that with distributors unwilling to
put this stuff on store shelves without relatively massive promotional
campaigns (ie make sure EVERY college/indie newsrag and website reviews or
namedrops the new Kid 606 album or whatever), lots of stuff is relegated to
a lifetime of (retail) obscurity. Hell even madonna can't sell her crap
(and it is crap) unless she hijacks Xmas!
I'm not asking for 'microsound' people to make flashy videos for MTV. I
don't watch MTV anyway, but I do go to record stores and I'd like to see
more of this stuff on the shelf. Thats not too much to ask for, is it??
Its just an Xmas Wish of mine but I dont expect anyone to be able to snap
their fingers and make everything right. The ghettoization of innovation
might build character but it certainly doesn't help build culture.