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Re: [microsound] Re: Nord Micromodular
I use much the nord mod keyboard, would go for it because of it
knobs and keyboard, great for live. I done several concerts mainly
using its patches and internal stepsequencers (see
http://www.block4.com/Notstandskomitee/video.html for a video)
its great and I will soon release a LP/CD only made with nord
modular. There is a big community behind the machine with a nice
mailing list. The synthesis features are a bit conservative for my
taste, it is like a moog modular or something like that, not a
granular or other wired synthesis machine like max/msp and
csound. But you can do additive and fm synthesis with it easily
and I figure out even some physical modelling patches too but the
machine lacks long delays, it doesn't have much dsp memory. It
works well in the mix with digital sounding machines like
microwave or softwaresynths who not try to sound analogue.
Funny story behind it: clavia developed it with emerson, lake and
palmer in mind and wonder what for example the guys from den
haag who tends more to expermental/ electroacustic sound made
with this red beast, they even use it for teaching.
malte steiner