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Re: [microsound] sound removal help

taylor deupree wrote:

> you're going to need a very narrow, multiband graphic EQ with very
> large +/- possibilities.... one device comes to mind that is perfect
> for the job:
> AudioEase Periscope plug in for MAS (digital performer)..

Another Mac-application that might do the trick with a bit of tweaking is
Arboretum´s Ionizer. It´s a 512-band (!) equalizer, and so every band can be
tweaked with the utmost accuracy. It may take some time to do this, and I´m not
sure removing everything but the vocals is even do-able (depends on what other
instruments/frequencies is present in the track), but it should be worth a try.


in addion to these that taylor & Øivind mentioned, there are a few other noise reducion/pop & click removal plugins for the mac out there. Steinberg makes a denoiser that is quite good, as well as a de-clicker that is pretty good as well. TC electronics, the makers of Spark, include with Spark (audio editing/effecting software) an EXCELENT denoiser. i think it's just about the best one (denoiser) out there. Arboretum makes another denoiser/click remover (besides ionizer) that has a hum remover in it called RayGun. so a combo of all these softwares might just do the trick for you. a little post processing eq will probably help bring out the voices as well.


out now: sine experiments + - .tiln http://www.tiln.net

out soon:
devolution && intimation - io records irc.001 [february]