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Will the real copy, please stand up...
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 04:15:41 -0800 "Jeremy Tolsma" <ccws@xxxxxxxx>
> heh ya well I was recording skipping cds before Oval did, as were
> quite a
> few other people. Do you think Scanner was the first guy who used a
> scanner
> in an electronic song? As far as I'm concerned they're copying us!
It is entirely possible for more than one person to come up with a very
similer idea at any given time. In this world, idea recognition usually
go to the ones who can get the most public attention. Those whose ego
greatly drives their creative activity are greatly concerned about this
somewhat petty issue. Those who could give a rat's ass, just keep making
music that resonates their being. blip bleep.
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