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Re: [microsound]: What is microsound ?
Personally no. Or at least not ambient music in its traditional sense.
Ambient music always tended to focus on music as an ongoing event, often as
background music. In my view, microsound has a fasination with smaller
sounds occuring within a work. Sonic "particles" if you will. This doesn't
necessarily have to mean the events are electronic or dsp processed. While I
wouldn't include the work of Eno in microsound, I would include improvision
groups like AMM or Voice Crack.
> perception. (I think of "lowercase" sound as being
> more preoccupied with the phenomenological problems of
> the sound; it seems reception- and perception-oriented
> to me.) That might be why it's so easy to generalize a
> "sparseness" or "minimality", because when music gets
> stripped to its "presque rien", I think questions are
> more like to happen; this is by no means the only time
> this happens, though. I've always had something of
> chip on my shoulder about "New Age" music because I
> think it makes an aggressive effort to conceal its own
> machinations to make certain that the listener asks as
> few questions as possible. Incidentally, does anyone
> here think of ambient music as _largely_ micro- ? As
> in: would you consider, say, Eno to be ms? Lee
> Scratch Perry? Why or why not?