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Re: [microsound] old school

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 13:10:59 -0500 Joseph Hyun <jhyun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> having been pleasantly saturated w/ afx, ae, and boc, i'd like to get 
> into
> some early electronic shit from "composers" like stockhausen, cage, 
> etc.
> can someone make any recommendations on some essential recordings?

ae, boc? Well let's see.....I think the following are relevent to
microsound history, although some are not too early (70's, 80's). 
Electronic Music of Iannis Xenakis on INA/GRM; Mouvement-Rhythme-Etude by
Pierre Henry; The Electronic Works by Gottfried MIchael Koenig on
BVHaast; Pioneers Of Electronic Music on the CRI label; Cologne-WDR on
the BVHaast label; Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center 1961-1973
on New World Records; Musica Elettronica of Bruno Maderna on the
Stradivarius label; En Face by Lars Gunnar Bodin; Concert Imaginaire on
INA/GRM spans a few decades with people like Pierre Schaeffer/Henry,
Bernard Parmegiani, Michel Chion, Jacques Lejeune, Ivo Malec, Francois
Bayle, and more. Of course there are many other releases but I don't want
to appear like I'm showing off my library. ;-)

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