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Re: [microsound] empreintes...

Guillaume Grenier wrote:

> I myself have been disappointed with the last empreintes DIGITALes I
> purchased (Randall Smith - Sondes).

I agree that it isn´t as good as his first on empreintes, "L?oreille voit", but
I still find it an interesting listen (though I must admit I loathe the
sinusoidal resynthesis sounds that he uses a bit too much -- this kind of
resynthesis makes almost everything sound like a sinus tone, and I find it too
one-dimensional if overused/not used with caution). His first, though, is
fantastic, and one of my favourites on the label.

> While we're at it, does anyone have comments on the two following titles
> (which I was planning to acquire):
> - Darren Copeland: Rendu Visible
> - Gilles Gobeil: La mécanique des ruptures

Get Copeland immediately (amazing, huge and dense soundscapes that will
overwhelm your senses if you allow them), while Gobeil can easily be your next
purchase. Gobeil´s not as pleasing as Copeland IMHO, but he´s still inventive
enough to hammer out some tense soundscapes (a word I must´ve used a hundred
times today) that are really engaging and sometimes downright scary (listen to
"La Ville Machine").

> ... or want to suggest a title on empreintes DIGITALes they especially like?

You´ve already mentioned Dhomont, and I agree: get all four. They are
definitely worth it. Others that should be in your collection (that I have
myself): the compilations "Miniatures concrètes" and "Electro Clips" (both of
which show, amongst other things, that the world needs more short
electroacoustic music), Patrick Ascione, Wende Bartley, Christian Calon´s "Les
corps éblouis" (guitar manipulations that make your speakers go scrumpch and
boom and glitch), Yves Daoust´s beautiful and moving "Musiques naïves", both
from Jonty Harrison (get them now), and Jacques Tremblay´s "Alibi".

These should really get things going.
