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Re: [microsound] empreintes...
On 18/01/01 18:12, Øivind Idsø said in living color:
> Guillaume Grenier wrote:
>> I myself have been disappointed with the last empreintes DIGITALes I
>> purchased (Randall Smith - Sondes).
> I agree that it isn´t as good as his first on empreintes, "L?oreille voit",
> but
> I still find it an interesting listen (though I must admit I loathe the
> sinusoidal resynthesis sounds that he uses a bit too much -- this kind of
> resynthesis makes almost everything sound like a sinus tone, and I find it too
> one-dimensional if overused/not used with caution). His first, though, is
> fantastic, and one of my favourites on the label.
Interesting... I'll try to check it out. I also think there's actually some
worthwile stuff in "Sondes" but to use again a term from one your earlier
posts, I don't find a truly unique "voice" in that music.
>> While we're at it, does anyone have comments on the two following titles
>> (which I was planning to acquire):
>> - Darren Copeland: Rendu Visible
>> - Gilles Gobeil: La mécanique des ruptures
> Get Copeland immediately (amazing, huge and dense soundscapes that will
> overwhelm your senses if you allow them), while Gobeil can easily be your next
> purchase. Gobeil´s not as pleasing as Copeland IMHO, but he´s still inventive
> enough to hammer out some tense soundscapes (a word I must´ve used a hundred
> times today) that are really engaging and sometimes downright scary (listen to
> "La Ville Machine").
OK, thanks for the comments.
I heard a fantastic Gobeil piece not too long ago, but I don't think it has
been released yet... I don't remember the title... but I think it's
associated in some way to Jules Verne's "Voyage au centre de la terre". It
features work by guitarist Arturo Parra (who presented the piece to a class
I attended). I hope it will be released soon...
>> ... or want to suggest a title on empreintes DIGITALes they especially like?
> You´ve already mentioned Dhomont, and I agree: get all four.
Got them all. Love them all. :)
> They are definitely worth it. Others that should be in your collection (that I
> have myself): the compilations "Miniatures concrètes" and "Electro Clips"
> (both of which show, amongst other things, that the world needs more short
> electroacoustic music), Patrick Ascione, Wende Bartley, Christian Calon´s "Les
> corps éblouis" (guitar manipulations that make your speakers go scrumpch and
> boom and glitch), Yves Daoust´s beautiful and moving "Musiques naïves"
Got "Musiques naïves". For some reason, I wasn't sure that I'd like this
album based on some review I had read (I was afraid it would feature some
kind of crude, poorly "timbred" MIDI music). I got it anyway and was
pleasantly surprised. It's nice. Doesn't get anywhere near Dhomont or
Normandeau, though.
> , both from Jonty Harrison (get them now)
Will definitely investigate that.
> , and Jacques Tremblay´s "Alibi".
Got that one too. I had heard one piece on the radio and was very impressed
by it (I think it was "L'intrus au chapeau de spleen" but I'm not entirely
sure). However, after hearing it again "in-the-comfort-of-my-home", what
first appealed strongly to me seemed to have disappeared. I wonder what
happened... I still consider it's a very good release, though.
> These should really get things going.
I also really like the Robert Normandeau releases. Actually, he's probably
my favorite eD artist after Dhomont. Very different sound worlds, though...
Guillaume Grenier - gollum@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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