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Re: [microsound] mp3 sites/mollusk
> ... there is over an hour of music at...
> http://www.mollusk.net/mp3/
I really enjoyed this. I wonder if a cd is in the works?
Dale Lloyd
Thanks Dale, I appreciate the feedback! There is, in fact, the possibility of a CD release sometime later this year, though I should point out that part of the point of these tracks is to play with the MP3 encoding process, both in terms of file size and audio artifacts (the low bit rate conversions help create the "mollusk sound"), and to have them freely available online. Still and all, there is a certain kind of satisfaction that comes from the physicality of the CD, and then there's the ease/flexibility of playing it... anyway, I digress...
I've been enjoying the comments on empreintes DIGITALes releases, just discovering some of this material. Lately I've been playing Hildegard Westerkamp's Transformations over and over... mmmmm!
Malcolm Bly
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