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digital music conference in australia

Hi microsounders..

Thought this conference may be of interest to some of you..


Waveform 2001

Australasian Computer Music Association Conference 2001

July 12-14, 2001
School of Contemporary Arts
University of Western Sydney


Waveform 2001 is a conference exploring recent research, development,
composition and performance in the field of digital musics. The
conference will include concerts, paper sessions, artist talks,
discussion panels and reports. It aims to strengthen the links
between practice (composition, performance, technical research), and
theory and criticism (listening, evaluation, contextualisation),
balancing the all important minutiae of the creative and studio
processes  with examinations of the complex and diverse macro
structure of current digital music practice.

The world wide web, galloping clock speeds, real time
processing/modelling, and a realisation of the concept of 'desktop
audio' have contributed to produce a rich and intensely varied body
of work, well beyond the confines of the traditional university
computer music studio. Digital music is neither a style nor a genre;
it is simply music for which the use of a computer is necessary - or
at least central - to its genesis. Traditionally, there has been a
division of activity between the so-called academic electro-acoustic
music scene and experimental digital music scene occurring on the
fringes of the popular music community. This conference seeks to
encourage and develop a dialogue between these spheres of activity,
therefore submissions from artists working across the full range of
digital musics are welcome. To facilitate this, a range of
presentation contexts will be provided, ranging from a formal
concert/critical audio environment, through foyer spaces, outside
locations, the world wide web and fm radio, to more informal club/bar
type environments.

Submission deadline for fully refereed papers
Friday April 6, 2001

Submission deadline for all other categories
Friday April 27, 2001

*Call for musical works*

The conference committee welcomes the submission of works for
recorded media or live performance with any combination of electronic
and acoustic elements.  Available playback formats will include CD,
DVD, DAT, Mini Disc, ADAT, DA88, and sound file/disk based playback.
In addition to audio playback there will be VHS, SVHS and MiniDV
decks and video/data projection. A wide selection of microphones is
available for live amplification and the School of Contemporary Arts
offers a full range, tunable six channel playback system to
accommodate multi-channel works. Two further channels may be added
with similar, but non-identical, components.

Works employing video, installation and the world wide web are also
encouraged where audio is given primacy, or at least equal status
with vision.

Some potential areas of focus are

? Music generated from microphone captured audio and 'found sound'
? Music generated from pure digital synthesis procedures
? Spatial audio and virtual sonic architecture
? Machine listening and interactivity, autonomous audio, performance
over computer networks
? The laptop computer as musical instrument., 'lo-fi', post-beat dance musics.
? Computer processed voice, speech synthesis, text pieces.

The availability of acoustic performers for works is limited and
performance of works is subject to the availability of required

*Call for fully refereed papers*

Full copies of conference papers for peer review and publication in
the conference proceedings are requested.  The refereeing process
will satisfy the eligibility requirements for inclusion in
publication quanta for Australian Universities.

Submission instructions are detailed below. Please note the earlier
deadline for refereed papers.

*Call for non-refereed papers*

Individuals making proposals under this category should submit an
abstract.  These papers will have non-refereed status and will be
selected by the organising committee on the basis of the submitted
abstracts and their relevance to themes as they develop.

Note: Papers under this category will be published in full in the
conference proceedings if suitable final drafts are received by the
due date (see above).

Topics for papers may include, but are not limited to:


? Software and hardware development
? The integration of audio with other media in digital environments
? Sound spatialisation and virtual audio systems
? Machine listening and composing/interactive music systems
? Artificial life and autonomous audio systems
? Sound synthesis and digital signal processing


? Critical analyses of works or compositional trends
? Socio-cultural, economic and political aspects of digital music making
? The relationships between academic computer music and recent popular music
? Net radio and emerging internet digital music cultures
? New investigations into historical developments in electronic and
computer music
? The recent proliferation of 'lo-fi' production strategies in digital musics
? Notions of hybridity in digital musics

Organisers would particularly like to encourage submissions from
members of the wider academic/music community for the non-technical
category. It is envisaged that the non-technical session/s will
appeal to a musically literate but non-technically expert audience.
It is the intention that the non-technical papers strengthen the
links between theory, criticism and practice.

*Artist talks/reports*

We wish to explicitly encourage opportunities for artists to discuss
previous, ongoing or developing projects, with particular emphasis on
projects that relate to the conference themes. Submissions from
studios/centres and artist organisations/co-operatives are also

*Submission Instructions*

Please include all of the following information:

? Author names and e-mail contact information

? Mailing address and phone contact for first author

? Submission category

One of the following:
? Paper  - Fully refereed (7-8 pages in Proceedings and 30 minutes
presentation time, including discussion)
? Paper  - Abstract reviewed (7-8 pages in Proceedings and 30 minutes
presentation time, including discussion)
? Studio/Organisation Report (2-3 pages in Proceedings and 15 minutes
presentation time)
? Artist Talks (500 word abstract in Proceedings and 30 minutes
presentation time including discussion)
? Composition/performance/installation (500 word program note and a
recording of the piece. Where possible, multi-channel works should be
accompanied by a stereo downmix for audition pruposes)

? Title

"The creation of sentient musical phrases through probabilistic
processes applied to MIDI data."

? Keywords (for papers and artist talks)

Max. 5, delimited by semicolons

Artificial Intelligence; MIDI; Gesture Capture; Probability; Composition

? Resources required for presentation

In particular:
? CD, DAT, DA88, ADAT, Audio Cassette
? Video (VHS, NTSC, PAL, DVD)
? Overhead Projector, Slide Projector
? Computer[s] - platform, speed  and RAM requirements
? Sound system requirements and preferred  loudspeaker positioning
? Live performers

Please be as specific as you can. This will assist us in making your
presentation run as smoothly as possible.

? Abstract or program notes (for non-refereed papers, talks and musical works)

Not to exceed 500 words. Please do not refer to yourself in the
abstract; as the review process is anonymous.

? Full text for refereed papers (if applicable)

Submissions should be mailed to the address at the bottom of this
call. Where the submission takes the form of a paper/talk, electronic
submission is acceptable (attach any documents in rtf format).


Early  Registration  (post marked by Friday April 27, 2001)
ACMA Member	AUD$170.00
Non-Member	AUD$190.00
Student /unemployed	AUD$90.00
Conference dinner (not included in registration)	AUD$30.00

Normal  Registration  (post marked by Friday June 29, 2001)
ACMA Member	AUD$200.00
Non-Member	AUD$220.00
Student/unemployed	AUD$110.00
Conference dinner (not included in registration)	AUD$30.00

On-Site  Registration
ACMA Member	AUD$220.00
Non-Member	AUD$240.00
Student/unemployed	AUD$130.00
Conference dinner (not included in registration)	AUD$30.00

Day Registration
ACMA Member	AUD$75
Non-Member	AUD$85

All payments due in Australian dollars. Cheques or money orders
should be made payable to the Australasian Computer Music Conference.
For current international exchange rates, try Yahoo Finance Currency

Registration fees include a copy of the ACMC 2000 Proceedings, the
ACMC 2000 Conference CD ROM, lunches & refreshments, and admission to
all concerts and paper sessions.

*Contact Details + Submission Address*

ACMA Conference 2001
Julian Knowles
Co-ordinator of Music Technology and Electronic Arts
School of Contemporary Arts (Music), University of Western Sydney
Locked Bag 1797, Penrith South DC, NSW 1797


Ph:       +61 247 360 162

Fax:	+61 247 360 166

Web:	acma.asn.au/

J u l i a n  K n o w l e s
Lecturer/Co-ordinator Music Technology
Course Co-ordinator Electronic Arts
School of Contemporary Arts (Music), University of Western Sydney
Social Interiors web: http://www.geocities.com/socialinterior