Are there any Kyma users out there in the land of [microsound]
I've been drooling over this system for a while.
Advice? How does it integrate into your set up...etc.
I dont have it, but a friend of mine does... he took me on a tour a
month or so ago... very nice system.. the only downside i could see
is the expense. As it uses DSP cards for processing, if you run out
of dsp, thats a new card you have to buy and they are not cheap. A
lot of the funkier demos will not run on the base level system
(spectral morphs etc..) which, i think, is 4 dsp chips, so that leads
me to believe you will need to spend some considerable cash to get
something that really rocks. Other than that though.. it seems
extremely powerful and i like the look and feel of the environment.
The other way to go is Max/MSP with native processing which will do a
lot of what Kyma does, albeit in a slightly less friendly way.
J u l i a n K n o w l e s
Lecturer/Co-ordinator Music Technology
Course Co-ordinator Electronic Arts
School of Contemporary Arts (Music), University of Western Sydney
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