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Re: [microsound] external firewire drives for audio?

That said, you should probably just get a fast IDE drive --they're cheap
and it should be fast enough for most audio applications..  It's lame
that apple was using those 5400 RPM 20gb drives luckily I noticed that
when I ordered and went with the 30GB just because of the speed... but
for the price difference you're prolly further ahead buying another

bingo.. that's EXACTLY what happened to me.. although, i didn't notice the 5400 rpm... i ordered a G4 with a 20gig drive.. because i had this 2nd 18gig drive (internal scsi)... but, my scsi drive is giving me so many problems...for example, if i connect my scanner (scsi) the computer won't recognize the 2nd internal scsi drive on starup.. and askes me to initialize it or not mount it..... very strange problem.. and i've tried test after test with different cables and scsi ID numbers.... i also get a lot of errors when writing photoshop files to the internal scsi drive..

so, what i've done is ordered a 2nd internal IDE/ATA 46 gig drive..
i'll have it thursday.. it's 7200 rpm.. so i'm planning on doing my
audio on that.. and pitching, or at least shelving, my 18 gig scsi
drive.. and running the machine with 2 internal IDE drives...

Or you can get a SCSI card and go that route-- SCSI is still better, but
it's getting very close these days....-- you should be fine with IDE and
it's cheaper.
Generally, I've Firewire drives are best for archiving- not recording

well, if firewire just isn't there yet for real time audio work.. then i hope my 7200rpm ultraATA/IDE drive will be OK...

thanks for the help


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
taylor deupree/12k/line

TAYLOR DEUPREE - OUT NOW / UPCOMING: - TOKEI 12" ep (audio.NL/netherlands) - 2001 - "occur_stream" CD - 2001

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- LINE_002 immedia "2 | 1" CD
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-12k1012/LINE004 v/a "between two points" compilation 2CD    OUT 03/01
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