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Re: [microsound] macs and pc unfortuanetly
On Tue, 6 Feb 2001, Jeremy Tolsma wrote:
> >scsi chain problems are very common on all types of
> > machine and it is one of the qurrcks of scsi and not so much
> > manufatures...
> scsi is a very robust system, problems occur when attatching legacy devices
> to the same bus (SCSI-2 devices connected via a SCSI-1 cable). Problems do
> not occur unless there is a design flaw or the user has things set up wrong.
> Any quirks in particular you'd like to mention?
just user end stuff like similar scsi ids or legacy devices or poor cables
can cause all kinds of problems...
also some times a scsi chain likes to have certain things at the beginning
of the chain as aposed to others...
> > Ive been an apple hardware user since 1987 and never have I had any
> > problems with any of my apple hardware other then OS related.
> well your experience differs from the mac owners I know. I have heard
> testimonials like yours but only online, people I actually know in real life
> tell an entirely different story (yet they still cling to their macs). Are
> you sure you don't work for Apple??
well I would be more then happy to meet you in person someday so you can
meet a real live happy mac user! :)
Nope I dont work apple... personally my favorite machines are sparks. As
for where I work: I work for one of two of the major backbone
providers in its candian branch, Ill give you a large hint for
who: we are a unix shop and way back when (befor the our recent name
change) the first part of our companies name stood for unix to unix
connections. ;)
(aka naw)
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