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Re: [microsound] off subj: additive synth
their first was the K5 - late 80's?
then the K5000 a couple years ago -quickly/sadly discontinued
Julian Knowles wrote:
> "estevan carlos" <diablatomica@xxxxxxxxxxx> asked
> >does anyone recall the name of that discontinued kawai synth based on
> >additive synthesis a few years back? i'm simply curious. email:
> >diablatomica@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >From the mid eighties? I think it was either the Kawai K2 or the Kawai
> K4... I remember working in a studio that had one... little screen so you
> could view the partials. Those were the days - Additive, Phase Distortion,
> FM all inside mass produced plastic boxes... before the dreaded sampled
> attack,/crappy synth decay roland and korg era.
> Co-Ordinator/Lecturer in Music Technology
> Course Co-ordinator Electronic Arts
> School of Contemporary Arts (Music), University of Western Sydney Nepean
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