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announcement : new product on diskono


this email has been sent to announce the arrival of a new product on
stirling based "multi-media cabal masquerading as a scottish
record label" : diskono (tm).

for your convenience we have included a simple guide which will go
some way to aid your understanding of both this product and diskono.
after extensive research into the mindset of the members of Micro-Sound,
we have translated the text in the various dialects our researchers matched
to the perceived linguistic requirements of the recipients. plain english
and bourgeois digitial terrorist .pick whatever one you understand. if we
have made any errors in translation please let us know.


various artists - naked and alone on the celebrity circuit cd

(the catalog number is diskono 07. it last for 72 minutes. there are 26

you will get where we are "coming from" if you realise that contrary to
propagated myth, the only bands of the last 20 years to have emerged
from scotland who were worth anything were the stretcheads and

you will get where we are "coming from" if you realise that contrary to
propagated myth, "naked and alone on the celebrity circuit" is a
compilation of tracks from "friends we have debated with, missed
deadlines with and never returned phonecalls to over the last 3 years".

you will get where we are "coming from" if you realise that contrary to
propagated myth the patrons of music, club culture and the arts in scotland
seem to champion those who are both appallingly mundane and appallingly
subordinated to their physicality. There is no depth of thought, only
enslavement to the bourgeois concepts of "authenticity", "great men" and
a focus on the sentimental and mindless appeal of human bodies.

you will get where we are "coming from" if you realise that contrary to
propagated myth, the only great things about the situationists were the way
debord smoked a cigar and bernstien's  haircut.

you will get where we are "coming from" if you realise that contrary to
propagated myth as we have stated before, "music", it is obvious to us,
should be made under certain conditions, like trying to find out who owns a
building in a run down part of glasgow. The tenants claim it's falling
apart. the janitor doesn't care, he's hired by some agency, which is
contracted by another..and the owner is 25 steps removed - just collects
the rent. this is how "music" should be made, if at all.

you will get where we are coming from if you realise that contrary to the
propagated myth this product contains new tracks from Pimmon (Fallt /
Staalplaat), Opopop (Alku / Mego), Antenna Farm (Fat Cat / Phtalo),
Felix Kubin (Gagarin /A-Muzik), Danielle Lemaire (Inner Landscapes),
Jan Van  Den Dobblesteen (Cosmic Volume), Hrvatski (Reckancomplex),
Jane Dowe (Mille Plateaux / RT Mark), CK Dexter Haven, Skagboy 3,
Black Dot Corporation (Gentle Giant), Wee Dj's (Scusi /Penalty), Alejandra
& Aeron (Lucky Kitchen / Fat Cat) plus Diskono activists Docktor Barnes
Advocaat, Gabriel Amato, Ttocshagg Forfib, Joel Ongthorne, Gunter Saxen-
Hammer & Klaus Oldanburg. Also included are both sides of Aerospace
Soundwise's "physical remix" 7" (released in May 1999 edition of 250), Kid
606's FRANTIC!!! cut and twist "megamix" of Diskono 04, Jane Dowe's
deconstruction of The Clash's "I'm so Bored With The U.S.A." and V/vm's
notorious tribute to the don of techno "String Up Your Wife" (previously
only available as mp3 download in November 1998). All in 3 part sleeve
designed by Klaus Oldanburg.

you will get where we are coming from if you realise that contrary to
propagated myth "avant-pop" has never sounded so good or bad.



minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ therde ar3 26 raX0rs) you wi7l gew twhere we r
"copminG form' if u realIs3 that contrary to porpaG4ted myTh, teh onLy bAndz
of the last @0 y34rz to ahve emerged froM scotland who w4re wroth anythin
gwree hte stRetdcheads and dawson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ypou will egt
whasr ewe are "coMing form"if u realise tHat contrary to porpagat3d mYth,
"Naked and qlone on teh ce7ebrity circu1t" iS a copilation of traX0rs form
"d00des we h4ve debated swith, misse deadlin3swith and nevar returjned
ph0neccalLz to over teh lasT 3 ye4rs'~~~~~~ LLLOLOLLOLOLO!!!!!!!!111 you
will get \\\\////\\\\////harE we are coming fr0m" if you eralise thar
contrary to propag8d myrth t3h patrons o mnusic, club culture and teh arts
in scotlan d seem to champion Tohse who are both appallinlgyy mund4ne and
appa7linly suBrodinatEd tio theIr pysicality teher is nO depth0f thought,
only ens7avem3nt ot teh bourgepois conceptz of 'aut3hntIcity', gr8 men' and
a focus opn the setnimentaL a|\|d mindless appeal of humam bodeis
ololollolollol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ you wIlkl gEt wehre w3 are "coming frm'
if u realise that coNtrary tO propafatd myth, teh Only gr8 things about the
stiuatioNists w4re the wya debord s/\/\oked a cigar and bernsteins haiorcut
u will gey where we ar com1ng forM' if you real1se that contrary to
porpagated myth asa we ahv st8 dbefroe,m usic, 1t s iobbious to usd, should
be made undEr certain conditions,l i3k try1ng to find outt who own a
biuldinfg im a run d0wm part ofg lssgow~~~ ETH TENaNST CLAIM IT"Z FALLONG
4OPART!!!!!!!!!!111 AHX0 RyOUUUuUUU becuz I wi7l hack t3 janitro oesn't car,
he's h1red by some 4gency, which is cntracted by annother~
LOLOLOOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~ and teh owNar is 25
stepz removed - just coLlkeCst Teh r3nt... this is how msuic" should be
mad3,if at all... u will get whare we rc oMign fOrm if you r3alIse that
coNtrray to teh propagated myth thias porductc ontains n3w traX0rs from
pimmon (fal;lt / staaslp7aat), oopop (a7ku / mEgo), antenns farm (fat cat/
phtal), fewliX0r kubin (gaqgArin /a-muzik), daneille l3ma1re (innjar
landscapes), jan vs|\| den dovblesteen (cosm1c volume), hrvatski
(ereXr0ancomples), j4n edo\\\\////\\\\////we (miol7e pllatEau0R / rt mark)),
XOr edxt4a hven, sk4gbo 3, blaX0rd ot cropoartion (ggentel giant), wee djz
s(cusi /pwenalty), alejandtra & aer0n (lucky ktichen / dat cat) p7us diskono
activists doX0rtro branes advocaat, gAbreil amato, ttocshagg frofib, joel
pongThrone, gunter saxcen- hammar & klaus oldanburg LOLOLOLOLOL also
inculfed ar both sid3s of aarospacew sioundwies'z "physical rmeix" 7'
(re7e4sEd in amy 1999 editio|\| o f250), Ki d 606"s fraNt1c!!!!!111~ cut and
twist "m3gfam1 xof diskooNo O4, jnae dowe"s feconstruction of the c7ash's
"1m so broed with the u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~
oolololo a ololololololololololo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~ ' 4nd v/vm"S
notroious tribute to teh don of techno "stri|\|g up you rwife (pr3vious7y
only 4vailable as mp3 downl0ad in november 1998) all in 3 part sl;eev3
designed by kluaz o7eanburg AHCK YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!~~~~~ 'avant-pop h4 snever
Sopunded so g00d llolloololololol.... you will ger wHaer we rcmoIng f0rm iif
realise that contrarY to propag8d myth "avant-pop" ahs never sounded so good
or bad...

this message was sent by

k7aus Oldanbirg http://www.onoksid.freeserve.co.uk
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ onmoksid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ ftreeaServe. yoU
aRe ck co... UK

Fuck The Amish!!! (those without computers)