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dense press release: some new releases

hello and sorry for the crosspost. here's some info about new releases
promoted by dense. check the links for web audio.


- BiP_HOp Generation [v.2] (CD Bip-Hop)
The second volume in the BiP_HOp Generation series gathers once again six
different artists from six different countries, and showcase the diversity
embracing the creative IDM genre... Definitely interested in the creative
aspect BiP_HOp intends to gather the most active actors and hopefully create
an amazing document of today's creative forms of Electronica.

TENNIS - Europe on Horseback (CD Bip-Hop)
Tennis is Benge (real name Ben Edwards) and si-{cut}.db (real name Douglas
Benford), two renown solo sonic artists in their own rights; Tennis is part
of an on-going London based collaboration exploring digital and
electro-acoustic sounds and rhythms combined with 21st century audio



PENUMBRA (solo CD by zoviet france member) - Skandinavien (CD Iris Light)
This solo debut showcases the stunning ambient soundscapes that have made
:zoviet*france: so reknowned and adds minimal trancelike pulses in a Pan
Sonic or Roland Kayn style. Experimental sound at its most exciting and
entrancing. With "Skandinavien" Penumbra uses found sounds from the
continent he takes the title from to create a monolithic, yet detailed
release, that proves this artists own merits outside of the :zoviet*france:

APHELION (ex-CRADLE OF FILTH) - I-VI (CD Iris Light Records)
APHELION is Stuart Anstis', former guitarist and songwriter of CRADLE OF
FILTH, ambient project.
With Aphelion he is working outside of his normal remit with Ambience, beats
and samples to produced an album of almost anthemic beauty with tracks that
interweave with each other to create one long piece.
This is not Black Metal, nor is dark industrial, this is solid well written
beated ambience.




REZNICEK/KUBIN/MANCHA - Ipsomat Legrand (10" Disaster Area)
Felix Knoth aka Felix Kubin aka Klangkrieg is one of the heads behind
this project. Active as a multimedia artist in the chilly harbour capital
of Hamburg he has released various recordings in his different guises as
well as producing experimental films and radio dramas. This release sees
him in the 'solo' mode pairing off with Guenter Reznicek (of Groenland
Orchester fame) to present the valued audience with a variation over a drum
computer theme. Guenter Reznicek is also known as Nova Huta producing
'cheap' Hammond pop, for his more experimental solo releases and
collaborations with Felix's Klangkrieg. Using musically unconventional
everyday-life sources (as always effectfully shown with Klangkrieg) and some
electronics they create a long track of gradually building tension and sonic
pressure beginning with a grashopper-chirp and culminating in drum box
mayhem. Arnoud Jacobs aka Mark Mancha supplies two (shorter) remixes of this
track turning it into two totally different versions, each a masterpiece in
it's own. Mark has worked a.o. as TMRX and Tea? Mr. X and hails from Europes
arty capital, Brussels.

NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS - Imaginary Time 99 (10", Disaster Area)
Since 1990 Nigel Ayers has released a host of formats, even good old tapes,
and developed his very own and often sarcastic approach to music. He created
work of a mesmerisingly ambient character using repetitive loops slowly
evolving and changing. He cooperated with Caroline K and Charlotte Bill
processing their sound input into new arrangements.
The end of the nineties with their blips and clonks found Nigel returning
to a kind of (as he calls it) electro-punk-karaoke...This release now works
towards the 'electro-karaoke' concept as well as using various elements from
the 'repetitive' phase. Single voice samples are layered into a pattern of
electronic 'beats'. The atmosphere bridges the gap between 'rhythmic dance'
music and abstract structuring whilst keeping up an air of calm attention.

DELPHIUM - Self vs. Self - Basslines of Death Vol. 3 (10" Disaster Area)
'Self vs. Self' presents delphium in an ever more gloomy and menacing mood.
Synths hover and hack in on the drum'n'bass loops, melodic fragments get
mangled in distortion and the hidden track makes believe the record player
has been wrecked. But inbetween moments of pensiveness and calm creep in
and hold the balance between threat and groove. ...The tracks
could be called 'melodic' if not 'groovy' (whatever that is) often summoning
a soundtrack atmosphere for the next summer thunderstorm....


BEEF TERMINAL - 20 GOTO 10 (CD Noise Factory Records)
"...the disc is a collection of instrumentals - but a few choice snippets of
what must surely be desperate late-night telephone calls ("She doesn't live
here, she lives with her boyfriend") suggest messy romantic entanglements.
Whatever the cause, Beef Terminal's songs exude an almost tangible aura of
weary melancholy. Matheson's compositions, executed mostly with guitars and
a drum machine, are spare and don't offer much in the way of thematic
development, but their minor-key meanderings are heavy with a sadness that
seems genuine..." (John Lucas)

K.C. ACCIDENTAL - Anthems For The Could've Been Pills (CD Noise Factory)
"...Anthems has a paradoxical sound: densely constructed yet able to create
a feeling of ethereal brightness. Drew and Spearin's beautiful music
embodies a deceptive simplicity, commanding a complex emotional response
from the listener. Each of the album's six tracks weaves patterns of
shifting melodies and rhythms that methodically draw attention to natural
tonal structures; imagine the delicate ideas of Roger Eno's small ensemble
work merged with the progressive flow of the Cocteau Twins. Some of the
songs, such as "Is And Of The," are ambient affairs, full of breezy, pulsing
electronic oscillations that provide a smooth backdrop for gentle guitar
strumming and melodic trumpet. Other tracks are powered by efficient
drumming and rich bass lines. ...Anthems is a sublimely introspective
delight."  (Michael Hopkins)



LAURENT PERNICE - Yppah (CD Moloko+)
"Yppah is a sort of mountain stream for me. I have discovered with this
record what an avalanche pleasure could be: its astonishing cracking sounds,
this dumb roar and finally an endless fall. After ³Ligne latérale² (split-CD
on Fario, with Amaury Cambuzat, which is more of humoristic and second level
³plastic electro²), I needed to go throught uncontrolled (or so) sonic
accumulations, and to fly away along with rhythmical streams and sounds a
bit like the marginal jazz of Miles Davis during the seventies, the border
breaking Funkadelic from George Clinton, or the poetical groovy delirious
burst of Can. All this, with today¹s sounds and unlimited technical
capacities of computering."


This publication documents a very unusual interdependent, temporary system
of 16 international remote sub-projects which used  a wide range of methods
and approaches to the generation and processing of sounds and images to
form a continuous (9 days nonstop) on line - on site - on air sound
installation on the occasion of ARS ELECTRONICA 99. The installation had
several very different on site versions in Europe and Australia and was
also rendered into an 8 hour radio-installation (Austria and a 5 day non
stop radio-sculpture (Weimar, Germany). More than 50 artists were involved
in this project.
One of the audio CDs contains excerpts from the stream of each location,
the other one a mix of these excerpts composed by the SOUNDDRIFTER, a
generative system designed  by Winfried Ritsch (Graz, A) for the Linz
version of the project.



Lucky Kitchen is proud to present three new releases based roughly
around the idea of (electronic) folk and legend.

"With a healthy belief in the future, based on a continuous dialogue with
the past, imagination is totally relevant. Religion and future utopia are
public fantasies to transcend the empirical world, and appreciate the
mysteries of being here. Both religion and future utopian images are
stunted, thus limiting possible change. Fantasy is now only for poets,
children and crazies - not respectable adults. A society without fantasy is
inert. Please do not listen to these CDs in the background. This work works
only when you work with it." (A&A 2001)

ALEJANDRA AND AERON - Folklore Volume One: La Rioja (CD Lucky Kitchen)
Emiliana sings while she cooks.
Lucio says that whistling keeps him healthy and happy.
Raul drinks a shot of herb liquor before singing a jota.
Felix sings previously outlawed songs.
Jorge calls on his mobile phone to play his bells on the radio.
Recordings of fading away folk music from La Rioja (Northern Spain)
(that the BBC will probably not play...)

ALEJANDRA AND AERON - Haunted Folklore One: Ruinas Encantadas
(CD Lucky Kitchen)
Haunted Ruins.
An ancient house, 3 sinewaves dart in play.
Audio will o' the wisps.
Silicon butterfly kisses.
The hunter knocks on the door.
Laptop folklore.

V.A. - I Love Fantasy (CD Lucky Kitchen)
Four 10 minute electric sci-fi tales by:
1.  Aerospace Soundwise (Chicago, USA)
2.  Evol     (Barcelona, Spain)
3.  Felix Kubin/Klangkrieg/Reznicek  (Hamburg, Germany)
4.  Sachiko M   (Tokyo, Japan)
Somewhere between a laser light show and a shooting star.
Survive awfully boring by drifting away.




FESTIVAL OBLIQUE LU NIGHTS @ le lieu unique. nantes. france

23/03 Sonar / Bernd Friedmann & Jaki Liebezeit / Felix Kubin / Chicks on
Speed / Kompakt DJ's: Michael Mayer & Tobias Thomas
24/03 the joint between: Ultraphonist / Column One / Philippe Cam / Ill
Young Kim / DMX Krew / Artists Unknown / Schaeben & Voss / Kompakt DJ's:
Michael Mayer & Tobias Thomas
25/03 Olaf Dettinger / Anne Laplantine / Charles Hayward / Coil

information and reservation line: +33 (0)2 40 12 14 34

