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Re: [microsound] Re: performing live

On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Jean-Patrice Remillard wrote:

> I've been performing in Montreal for the last year, playing almost every 1-2
> months. I would a few tips and suggestions to give you:
> - Yamaha SU700: I know NAW uses it too, i think its a great machine if you
> want to go gearwise. It's fun because it also has its own sound... I just
> love the way it works and once you know it, you can do impressive thing on a
> live PA.

yup I use it and well I would say that its an awesome peice of live

> - Korg ES1 (+ER1): I know some people dont like this little thing but i
> think it works very well with a SU. I strongly suggest it for its resampling
> option, very powerfull and easy to use.

I also use this both for resampling and for live along side my su700 and
also think its an importnat part of my set up....

> - AudioMulch: I love this thing... I've done live PA in my living room for
> friends and if you want to do messed up things, it kicks ass.

tomas jirku uses this exclusivly and works wounders and when we pair up
our live pas for a VS pa it works very well with my su 700 and my er1

> There's many way to exploit the whole thing, i think i like having the
> freedom of improvisation to have a feeling a really playing live. Even when
> you dump all your sounds in the gear, you sometimes have surprises and its
> the beauty of it.

I agree my pas are all imporvised just a bunch of samples on my su and
patterns on my er1 ....
works best for me....

aka naw
ps naw is not in capitals .....
sorry Im testy about that...

> JP aka Pheek
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> www.intr-version.com
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