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A four day festival in Sheffield 22 - 25 March
presenting new computer based art and media.
Latest news and full programme details at http://www.lovebytes.org.uk/2001
* L i v e P e r f o r m a n c e s
Autechre, Richard Chartier, Taylor Deupree, Hiaz, Russell Haswell,
Hecker, Felix Kubin, Microstoria, Oval
* D J s
Absynthesis, Mira Calix, Hecker, Felix Kubin, Lithops, People Like Us,
Alex Peverett, Jean Shirt, Terre Thaemlitz, Vector
* N e w C o m m i s s i o n s a n d E x h i b i t i o n s
Dave Corbett, Jim Brouwer, Fehler, Mark Fell, Fifty Fifty, Paul
Granjon, Paul Harrison, George Rogers, Terre Thaemlitz
* P r e s e n t a t i o n s a n d P a n e l s
Console Cinema - Sony Europe. Non Physical Distribution - Panel
Session. Digital Visions - Inside New Digital Artworks
* F i l m s
Onedotzero, Star Wars Fan Films, Calculated and Cybernetic Pioneers
- including Stan Vanderbeek, Tony Conrad and the Whitney Brothers,
D-Film, Mika Taanila
* Cr e a t i v e T e c h n o l o g y W o r k s h o p s
Cycling 74 - Max / MSP and Nato, Native Instruments - Reactor,
UI Soft - Metasyth
* V e n u e s
Showroom Cinema, Workstation and the National Centre for Popular
Music, Sheffield
* T i c k e t s
Festival Pass : 50 / 35 GPB (conc) *** 40 / 30 GBP if booked before
10 March ***
Individual event tickets: 5.00/ 3.50 GPB (conc)
Oval / Microstoria
(Showroom 3, 9 - 11 pm Friday): 7 / 5 GPB (conc)
Taylor Deupree / Richard Chartier
(Showroom 3, 8 - 10 pm Saturday): 7 / 5 GPB (conc)
Autechre, Hecker, Haswell, Hiaz, Shirt
(NCPM, 10 pm - 2 am Saturday): 8 / 6 GPB (conc)
Call 44 (0) 114 221 0393 or mailto:bookings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Latest news and full programme details at http://www.lovebytes.org.uk/2001
LOVEBYTES FESTIVAL 2001 happens 22-25 March at the Showroom Cinema, Sheffield.
click here > http://www.lovebytes.org.uk/2001.
telephone +44 (0) 114 221 0393 fax +44 (0) 114 279 6522
LOVEBYTES is an arts organisation which explores the creative and
cultural potential of new technology through running events
and commissioning new arts projects.
LOVEBYTES LAB is a digital production resource in Sheffield
offering access to equipment and funding advice free of charge
to artists working on low or non-funded digital projects.
LOVEBYTES, Unit 307 The Workstation,
15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield. S1 2BX. UK
This email is sponsored by the DVD magazine SHOTS
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