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re: [microsound] review: new vinyls of note

its old indeed, recorded end of 96. stol was an 'free' improvising band
(just neil diamond and the beatles as guides) with olaf rupp on guitar and
electronics and myself on prepared trapkit. the guitar is played live/
realtime the way you hear it and the drums have in some points been
polished by means of sound. and sloppy, yes, this was probably our
strength, playing aside of each other, meeting every once in awhile.
 - stephan

> - stol 12" (kitty yo)
> this one is a little old but i had to say a few words about it.  i'm not
> too sure what is happening on this one.  there is stephan mathieu
> (fellow listmember) playing drums on it, with another fellow (whose name
> i forgot) playing guitar.  of course, you can guess that some of the
> sounds are produced by these instruments, but i'm guessing there's a
> certain degree of processing as well (otherwise, wow!)  regardless,
> these 4 compositions (001, 010, 011 & 100 respectively) are very organic
> to a point where their music has more to do with köln than say vienna.
> sometimes the playing almost seems sloppy & that accounts for much of
> the beauty of it; that these glitchy, inhuman sounds get thrown about in
> every direction makes them very poetic.  side 1 is mostly ambient but
> never repetitious.  side 2 is more entertaining, though, with a more
> percussive edge & an even quirkier feel.  if anything, this made me
> _very_ curious about stephan mathieu's subsequent work as full swing &
> under his own name.

   |--- -- | --- | - -| ||

   stephan mathieu
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