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electonic music in oakland 2-night
hello, this is kevin blechdom from blectum from blechdom announcing a last
minute show tonight in oakland california at THE STARRY PLOUGH, we are
opening for Adult Rodeo and Jad Fair!
we play electronic/computer music and here's an example from one of our
songs we wrote in response to lots of things, including some of kim
cascone's writing in the most recent computer music journal.
we hope you can come to the show... yo, bitches need to represent.....
> if you wanna talk tech,
> then i'll talk tech
> if you wanna talk reality
> it's just a technicality
> i like da algorithms
> when they make da funky rhythms
> but most of the time
> tech-no-logee don't rhyme
> you fucking techno scum
> you can't even make me hum
> your anti melody malody
> yr dismal minimal subliminal
> fuck off you techno scum