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I have this one, I am pretty sure this one predates "ele" the orginal
pressing from sigma, it was just released alot later. As far as dub tech
goes nothing has yet to impress me as much as "ele" on sigma, the re-release
on mille pl. is good, but if you have not heard the orginal version, which
is a live recording you owe to your self to hear it. 3 tracks that grow and
twist in that vladislav sort of way. he also has a 12" before this and ele
called "kind of blue" this one is next to impossible to find, i would love
to hear it if someone has mp3'd it.


- conoco _kemikoski_ 12" (not sure about the exact title) (sigma editions)
you guessed it, this is another of vladislav delay's multiple split
personalities.  the sound on this record is not particularly surprising
at it stems from the aesthetic of _multila_ (chain reaction), only with
a different palette (surprisingly enough after hearing _anima_).  clear
sounds in a murky design forming ambient threads, with clicky percussion
on the 2nd track slowly morphing into something of a rhythm.  i enjoy
the change of palette even though the recipe is still pretty much the
same.  a little something from a great artist.


multimedia_designer / information_architect

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