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Re: [microsound] Sampling the family dog: was Re: [microsound] D avid Kristian
I sampled my pitbull Lucky while he was chewing on his hard rubber "Kong"
toy for one of my Loam tracks. The sound was great. I also used him on a
track I just finished for a sound/art installation.
My new motto: Out of ideas? Let's see what the dog is up to...
out now on topscore usa
loam s/t CD (ts4)
metric music for standard people
on 4/2/01 12:55 PM, Russell, Josh (JC) at jcrussell@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> don't forget the sounds of berhard guenter's "Mu" sleeping peacefully on the
> lowercasesound compilation.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jake Hardy [mailto:jake.hardy@xxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 10:43 AM
> To: microsound
> Subject: [microsound] Sampling the family dog: was Re: [microsound]
> David Kristian
> dogs do make for excellent sampling. My dog is a Basset Hound with big
> floppy
> ears. I sampled the sound of his ears flapping about...amazing.
> Jake
> James Warchol wrote:
>> I'm a big fan of Kristian's stuff as well. "Room Tone" is excellent. I was
>> amused by the description of the record when it was released, since it
>> referred to him using his Boston Terrier as one of his sound sources.
> Pretty
>> funny. Dogs DO make for great sampling!
>> "Cricklewood" is another one I keep coming back to - more is revealed with
>> every listen. He also has an online-only CD available at his website
>> (davidkristian.com). I don't have it yet though.
>> -jim