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Re: [microsound] hecker

I have this cd as well and am curious as to what aspects of this work people find interesting.


that particular cd seems very organic to me... but in a very digital way... does that even make sense.
its minimal but has a peculiar density.. like a forest of digitalia....

i heard/saw his performance at lovebytes this year... it was very driven and thick.. noisey...

he pointed out to me that his work changed when he moved from the outside of vienna to the city itself...
interesting how our enviroment can change the way we work/sound.


 +                +   r  i  c  h  a  r  d    c  h  a  r  t  i  e  r


series [LINE, usa] CD  http://www.12k.com
"untitled60sec" in Computer Music Journal  (MIT press, usa) CD
"010101" on between two points  comp [12k/LINE, usa] 2CD http://www.12k.com
"filer" on clicks & cuts 2 comp [mille plateaux, germany] 2CD, april 2001

typeof [fallt, ireland] 3" CD, april 2001 http://www.fallt.com
Layeral Intersect #2: imperception [deadtech/anechoic, usa] 3" CD, april 2001 http://deadtech.net/store.htm
decisive forms [trente oiseaux, germany] CD, june 2001 http://www.trenteoiseaux.com