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rien =?unknown?b?4A==?= voir =?unknown?b?KDkpOg==?= Gilles Gobeil
--- Guillaume Grenier <gollum@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> If the rest of the CD is on the same quality level, this
> will definitely be
> a must-get.
I was silent for a couple of minutes after the end of
Gobeil's solo concert. His performance (and his use of that
acousmonium was performance!) left me breathless. "Point de
passage" based on HG Well's The Time Machine and "Nuit
cendre" based on the cavernous worlds of Verne's Voyage to
the Center of the Earth transcended their sci-fi subject
and deeply illustrated the human fear/attraction towards
the unknown. And his adaptation of the first couple of
pages from Marcel Proust's Du côté de chez Swann - titled
"Projet Proust" - was definitely a work of genius. No voice
clichés, no heavy narrative, simply a brilliant sound illustration.
~ a dontigny
"le bruit est une ressource naturelle"
"noise is a natural resource"
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