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Re: [microsound] completely OT yet so on-topic
joe siemion wrote:
> > and you really *do* need to separate what democracy is, i.e., what
> it is
> > by definition, from postmodern american consumerism/capitalism/
> > democracy. you are mixing these up badly.
> >
Jeremy replied:
> If you think there are seperate definitions, please share them. How
> does
> your version of democracy remain unsullied by the 'american
> version'?
democracy: rule by the people, for the people. its as simple as that.
there are so many influences here that have sullied american democracy:
while they are too numerous to list and out of the scope of this post,
the one behind them all is quite simply greed/self-centeredness. as i
in my earlier post, all political systems will fail as long as humans
solely motivated by what is their own self interest; this is why the rich
rich and why we, the rich, dont give a shit about the poor. (please dont
tell me
you (me and everyone on this list) is not extremely wealthy in comparison
world standards. so we too are implictly involved in this great injustice
that is happening at the present; for we are motivated by what makes 'us'
not 'them'.)
so, democracy is its pure form, theoretical form, is wonderful, and in
its practical
form, has worked better than other political systems. the american
experiment has
gone awry due to too much power being placed into too few of hands.
this explains powerful corporate elite controling gov't policy and the
(s)election of our dear "President Select". its really
this simple: an issue of power; an issue of greed, and a good dose of
so to get back to the original point: what is wrong with a system that
asks all of
the people of a given area to get together once in awhile and pick who is
going to
them? how else would/should it be done? this is what i understand
democracy to be.
not what is taking place in the usa: that is more of a pseudo-democracy
by the powerful elite with the primary motivation of usurping more and
more power
and wealth (and unfortunately, i believe its quite unconscious, [meaning
elite remain blinded to their actions that are negatively affecting
others and
they do it thinking they have everyone's best interest in mind] which
makes it all
more sinister!)
on that happy note,
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