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Re: [microsound] completely OT yet so on-topic / art of noise
> (nb. i've noticed a few people throwing the word
> "anarchy" around in this
> discussion, and i think it has been misunderstood by
> some. "anarchy" (in a
> political sense) does not equal "mayhem" or "chaos". its
> not about
> regressing to a state of nature, but a philosopy
> (stemming from thinkers
> like proudhon and stirner in the 19.C) that stresses an
> alternative to
> hierachy-driven systems of organisation where the big
> boss tells everyone
> what to do.
I too am unconfortable with the use of "anarchy" meaning
chaos, disorder or gratuitous violence.
Philosophers like Proudhon and Bakunin didn't resolve the
paradox between liberty and social regulations but they
didn't proclaim the "end of history" like the arrogant
masterminds from the World Bank did. John R. Saul, in his
book "Voltaire's Bastards - The Dictatorship of Reason in
the West", clearly demontrated that both capitalism and
communism are models of economic regulations, opposed on
how to distribute economic wealth but not on the
fundamental place of economics in human relations. I, as a
human, oppose the idea that economics are the only basis on
wich a social consesus can be acheived.
I firmly think that economical-governments must always be
restricted as one of MANY tool of social regulations.
Humans must control ideas and not the other way around. The
homogenisation of humanity, intended by the FTAA and, yes,
its european counterpart (hey, it smells like cattle
burning in your backyard...) is only a way to solidify the
position of wealthy corporations who are currently setting
the human agenda. I was tear gased and shot at only by
expressing that viewpoint.
~a dontigny
"We must commit acts of such extreme freedom that even
those who will supress them won't deny that an inch of
liberty has been acquired for all"
- Claude Gauvreau
(canadian poet, in his play "La charge de l'orignal epormyable")
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