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- Date: Tue, May 8, 2001, 4:39 PM
> Dear Daobra,
> Further to your query:
> <If I remember correctly songs done by Stephan Mathieu... looking for some
> other work in similar directions. Any info. and suggestions are very
> welcome.>
> Stephan has quite a body of work 'in the pipeline' and I can certainly,
> without hesitation, recommend it all. We were planning to release 'Frequency
> Lib.' on Fallt, but we - how shall we say - encountered 'artistic
> difficulties' and it will now be released elsewhere (last I heard on a
> certain well known 'supermarket label' - sorry, in-joke).
> It is regrettable that we won't be releasing 'Frequency Lib.', but I would
> strongly urge all to buy it; it is one of the strongest works, with regards
> to its holistic conception, that I have heard in years. A fact I've
> absolutely no doubt that anyone who downloaded the .mp3s excerpted from it
> at Fallt will concur.
> I'd also highly recommend Stephan's excellent 'Gigue | Live @ A-Musik'
> hosted by underconstructing.com. It weighs in at 22.8 MB, but is worth every
> penny of a dial-up dowload. There is a link to it at the following URL:
> http://www.bitsteam.de/rsrc/txt.html
> Hope the above is of some help.
> Take care,
> Christopher
> | """..NOW PLAYING..00.02.0001---||||...
> | 0000
> | XXXX¨¨¨¨JOHN FAHEY | CITY OF REFUGE --------------------- <>
> | 0000 \\\\..\\\\
> http://www.fallt.com | info@xxxxxxxxx
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