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- Date: Mon, May 14, 2001, 4:33 PM
> Sorry to intrude, but I finally went over to Radio Shack to try out one of
> these Contact Mic things, based on notes I had taken off this list, so I
> figure one of you might be able to help me:
> Is a PIEZO BUZZER the same thing as a PIEZO TRANSDUCER? I can only find the
> former at our shitty Canadian R/Shack, but I think I need the latter...
> they are not the same thing are they?
> Another question: once the PIEZO TRANSDUCER is connected to a 1/4" stereo
> line, it should plug straight into a mixer and be feeding noise, no battery
> power etc. necessary? Correct? So how does it work???
> Sorry, if these questions are trivial, I'm doo-hickey illiterate, but I
> want to using a 'contact' feed in an upcoming performance...
> Please reply personally if you can help, spare the list or whatever...
> for Thinkbox
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