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RE: [microsound] MAX/MSP
Funny, I was regurgitating another poster's comments about PD, JMax, Nato
and my own opinions on Reaktor and received the same. Max/MSP isn't the
only option and I think it's worth a thorough examination of all of them.
Reaktor costs more but you get both Mac and PC versions of the software and
the interface is DOS-cryptic. I'm very impressed with Max/MSP's ability to
"compile" the modules into standalone apps that run smoothly, and it's level
of professional use. PD is free and open source, and also has GEM, which is
pretty neat. And what if you do want to programming your own DSP? Why not
go straight to DSP chips or C++? Of course, if you just want to make music,
that's really not very productive. I'm not all that familiar with the
MAX/MSP programming enviroment, but from what I understand, you pretty much
have to be a decent C++ programmer to use it anyhow. Not sure of the
benefit other than building the module to work in MAX/MSP rather than a
standalone app.
All in all I think MAX/MSP is the most professional level software out there
for this kind of work, in audio and potentially with video (depending on the
whole NATO, visual objects thing). I just wish they could get their
cross-platform shit together. I like the flexiblity that PC laptops have to
offer over Mac laptops, and I'd like the *option* to choose which platform
to run the software from. Besides, why market to 6-8% of the population
when you could broaden your market base _AND_ compete better with other
products. I realize this is being worked on so I guess I'll just have to
wait and see.
Christopher Sorg
Multimedia Artist/Instructor
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremy Tolsma [mailto:ccws@xxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 6:16 PM
> To: microsound
> Subject: Re: [microsound] MAX/MSP
> > >I've recently become interested in MAX/MSP for MAC. So far
> I've only used
> a
> > >few apps created by others. I am interested in finding more standalone
> apps
> > >and I would like to eventually learn to make my own. Any advice,
> pointers,
> > >links, etc. appreciated.
> >
> >
> > You'd be better off buying CodeWarrior...
> I got flamed by Ben Neville (employee of C74) for suggesting such
> a thing on
> a different list, after he touted MAX/MSP as the ONLY environment for
> 'creating your own plugins'. My hypothesis is that C74 is looking to lock
> people into a programming environment that is every bit as flexible as the
> programming environment C74's programming environment was programmed in.
> Kind of like a cultural toll-gate. If you want to use C74's hyped
> environment, you pay C74. If you want to use generic C++ libraries to do
> the same thing, go ahead, but you wont be buying into the particular
> programming lifestyle C74 is pushing.
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