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RE: [microsound] MAX/MSP

I met a respected composer recently who suggested that anything that "took
the time away from her composing" was just a waste of her time.  Makes
sense.  It is difficult enough to compose/create audio or visual work
without worrying about reinventing canvas/oil/pigment/brass/strings/etc.
That's not to discourage any Harry Partch-minded folk out their who can
construct their music from the bit up, but jeez, there are so many tools out
there.  Nowadays it's more likely you just won't get deeply enough into the
tools that are available (there are so many) to explore range and
possibility.  Does a violin player try to be a cello and bass player, too?
Not usually.  Not that they don't explore, but, well, I hope you get my
drift.  Programmers are particularly skilled (and amazingly so) at a
particular thing.  Let *them* make the DSPs you need to make your music,
save your time for what you are best at.  That isn't for everyone, but I've
heard it more than once from people whose music and composition I respect.

BTW, I don't think I particularly follow the straight and narrow path
myself.  I prefer to construct or destruct electronics in order to make
sound, and it  takes up more time than composing or performing.  Sure the
horizons are broadened, but the final product probably suffers to some
extent.  So what (as one poster mentioned) if Autechre basically writes
patches with the Nord?  If they use it, abuse it, and advance it like no one
else, more power to them.  If we treat a DX7 or the Nord (or even a tin can)
like a trumpet or piano (being instruments just like everything else, a la
John Cage) then we should expect virtuosity with those "instruments" as

I have no idea what my rant is.

I think I fell on my keyboard.

jqpwe r96y8a;lxdfjbhz.cl jkhasd;gjhasdfljk02-02454w5y/kmn

Christopher Sorg
Multimedia Artist/Instructor

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Akira Rabelais [mailto:akirarabelais@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 10:00 PM
> To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [microsound] MAX/MSP
> >I'm not all that familiar with the
> >MAX/MSP programming enviroment, but from what I understand, you
> pretty much
> >have to be a decent C++ programmer to use it anyhow.
> This is close to the point I was hitting at... why not invest
> some time in
> your art? Work on c and read the I Ching everyday for a year and then you
> can grab msp, if need, by the balls. Do we really need another dreadful
> reverb plugin? Software has the potential to be as visceral an art as
> literature. Do please take some care with your education.
> ok, I'm getting off my box now.
>         Akira 'you owe me a pint' Rabelais
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