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Re: [microsound] 160 kbps or minidisc
> Now that you are talking about minidisc, I've visited
> the address that somebody recommended (www.archos.com)
> and I found a product very interesting. It offers 6 gB
> of live recorgind at 160 kbps. The noise rate is 90db.
> I think that it's better than a minidisc recorder. It
> has an USB port.
> What do you think?
> See you!
I use a Nomad Jukebox for live, binaural recordings. It has been pretty
great. There are definitely some drawbacks and some pluses when comparing
with the minidisc recorders. The Jukebox and the Archos have line-in, NOT
mic-in, so you would have to use a preamp when recording. More equipment
to carry around. (I built my own; you can also purchase them on sites
which sell the binaural mics/headsets, etc.). That's not _all_ bad, since
you can then pick and choose your preamp and adjust your levels while
recording (which you can't do on the Sony minidiscs). Some of the
minidisc recorders also have built in compressors, which, if you want it,
is okay I guess. I prefer dynamics in my recordings, so I don't miss
it. So, some pretty nice benefits from the minidisc recorders.
The pluses of the hard disk recorders are pretty nice, too. My Jukebox
records up to 48kHz, uncompressed .wav format. That is just
excellent. Minidiscs use compression to store all that audio
onto tiny little discs; certainly not audiophile quality, but
I do think the sound okay. I prefer the highest quality for composing and
mastering, though. Transferring the data over USB is also fantastic, as
I don't need any kind of digital I/O at all; it's al right there. Since
it's a 6 GB hard drive, you can record many, many hours of music. The
batteries for the Jukebox last several hours (I haven't gone more than 2
without switching just for the sake of safety). I only spend money on
CDRs for backing up my data; I don't have to purchase any DAT tapes or
minidiscs. Then there are the fringe benefits, like being able to store
data files and MP3s, when you aren't recording.
If these manufacturers get a clue and give us a professional level,
portable hard disk recorder, with all the extras, we could toss DAT and
minidisc out a window. But then they wouldn't be able to sell us all
those tapes and discs, would they?
Christopher Sorg
Multimedia Artist/Teacher